Monday, June 25, 2007

Stage 3

We made it to the Tutzingerhuette in 6 hours, 1.25 hours shorter than planned. Of course, taking the easy route down from the Rotohr Sattel may have had something to do with this. There was a general feeling among the group (with the exception of YT (Yours Truly)) that we should skip the Benedikten Wand because the previous day's hike had been much longer than planned.

Weather, beautiful and hot, a fair number of people on the trails, but not that many, especially considering that it was a Sunday. Morale fairly high... Russell being the exception due to not being in as good shape as he perhaps should have been and various minor ailments. Sally has also various ailments but still marches out in front (at least early in the day; later I seem to pull ahead :-).

When we got up to the Brauneck Huette there was an accordeon player playing for anyone who cared to hear. That plus the view and the Apfelschorle was a sort of summary of why hiking in the Bavarian Alps is such a pleasure.

Tough day tomorrow... we'll be up early and racing the clock to get to the Herzogstandbahn Bergstation before the last lift goes down at 4:30. Unclear if team is going to be very pleased with me at the end of the day :).

One very nice surprise: Thomas Bili showed up this morning to hike with us up to the Brauneckhuette... bringing good cheer. With Bea and Arnulf yesterday this is becoming a very welcome habit. We seem to be blessed with excellent friends!

Lastly, this is being posted a day late due to the fact that there was no cellphone access at the Tutzinger Huette... something that will no doubt occur frequently.