Sunday, August 05, 2007

Rest day in Muerren

<reminder: some photos now available at:

Thursday August 2nd, 2007

With excellent timing the weather turned unpleasant during the night and the our rest day was filled with clouds, rain, and thunderstorms. Despite (or perhaps because of?), this our three Romanian guest-hikers (Bea, Ioana and Lidia) decided to go for a walk. The three of us who are doing the whole of the H2H cannot understand this desire of guest-hikers to move when it is not necessary. We do as little as possible and rejoice when we are fortunate enough to spend such days in a hotel with an elevator!

This time, however, we "missed out" on an experience: getting caught in a thunderstorm. According to those involved, the sky turned black, thunder was heard and it started to rain. After a short dicussion about the relative safety of forest versus meadows (resolved in favor of the former) they ran to a hayshed. Shortly after their arrival they heard a tremendous and sustained roaring noise that didn't sound like thunder, and looking across the valley through a gap in the clouds they saw that vast waterfalls had sprung into existence on the sides of the Jungfrau, and that in one of them a Mure (mud/rock slide) was happening. They called us in the hotel to let us know so I saw it as well: most impressive! I'm glad I wasn't in the valley when it came down.

The rest of the day was uneventful, except that we had an excellent cheese fondue dinner in a local restaurant, washed down by several bottles of wine and a round of double Baetzis (an apple/pear schnapps) ordered by Russell. The evening turned somewhat raucous and culminated in Arnulf stabbing himself in the hand with a fork while demonstrating a drinking game :-). I'm not sure if the other diners were appalled or envious at our behaviour, but we had a great time!