Sunday, July 08, 2012

Rest day in La Motte du Caire

Short summary -- needed by some, appreciated by all.

Except for the Sattingers who will be taking their rest day tomorrow (due to unavailability of rooms in La Motte du Caire).

Delightfully inactive. Our host offered to wash our hiking gear, so we didn't even have to do that. Thus the day consisted of a leisurely breakfast, conversation, pool for some, Sudoku for others, a few purchases at the local minimarket, Mass at the local church, a leisurely lunch, an afternoon siesta (for all but me... blogging, email, and organizational responsibilities called), a few games of Carcassonne, and at the end of the day a leisurely dinner.

It is yet one more of the wonderful things about hiking: it makes you appreciate not hiking so much more.

As said, the Sattingers left in the morning (although we'll see them again in a few days), Sophie left in the afternoon, and the Gößls will leave tomorrow morning... so it will just be Thomas Bily, Russell and I heading off on the long (28k, +1100m, -880m) hike to Jarjayes tomorrow. And it is supposed to be pretty hot... 31C... so it may be a long day. But don't worry overmuch if I don't post to the blog tomorrow evening -- I doubt the yurts in which we will be spending the night have Internet access!

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