I'm going to send an email to most (ideally all, but I'm sure I'll forget someone... sorry!) people who might be interested in reading about my Luberon hike yesterday, but it occurs to me that many of you might not know that you can sign up for an automatic email reminder whenever there I do a new post. To do this, go to the blog (well, you are probably here now), and then scroll down until you see this on the left hand side:
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Click on the word Atom and you'll be taken to your default email program and you'll be asked if you want to add a "feed" for my blog. Click on "Add" (or "OK" or "Confirm" or whatever your email program shows you) and you are done! Henceforth you'll be notified whenever there is a new post.
And henceforth I won't bother you (especially those of you who aren't interested in my escapades) with emails about new blog posts!